Remark: This blogpost is part of a series of blog posts explaining Royal Server and the new connection types we have introduced in Royal TS V3 for Windows and Royal TSX V2 for OS X. Here is a complete list of our blog post series:
The Windows Processes module enables you to kill an out-of-control process from Royal TSX directly:
The basic configuration only needs a Computer Name:
Additionally, you specify an account on the machine, on which you want to manage the Windows Services:
When you connect, you get all running Windows Processes:
You can also show the Process Owner in the view, but since this is a CPU heavy operation, we have made this optional:
You may need to enable the “Process Owner” column via the context-menu of the columns:
As a result, you get a view with the Process Owner included:
Additionally, as with all Connections based on Royal Server, you can configure an automatic refresh:
This is handy when you want to regularly check for a special running process. You can use the Toolbar filtering for this:
And of course, all the mentioned features work identically on Royal TS (for Windows).