Blogging about Royal TS/X, Royal Server and Royal Passwords

We’re getting closer to release and here’s another build with many new features and fixes. Based on feedback from our beta testers, we decided to implement a couple of popular features which were originally planned for 2...

In the last couple of weeks we processed all the great feedback and were able to implement some new stuff and also fix some stuff. We’re right on track for a release soon. Stability and performance is increasing and feed...

Here are some highlights of what changed and what was fixed since out last blog post:

Connect with Options

Since release 11107 we restored the ability to “override” some more settings when you use connect with option...

One often requested feature for Royal TS was allowing to have more documents open at the same time. We not only picked up the feature request, we took the idea even further. In short, you can have multiple files open at...

In this blog post we want to show you how you can import data from CSV files and create connections, web pages, tasks and credentials in a very dynamic way. There are many ways to get data dumped to a CSV file (export fr...

In my previous blog post I discussed the dashboard feature in general and focused on the “Folder Dashboard” which is shown when you select a document or folder in the navigation panel. In this blog post I will focus on...

Royal TS V2 will introduce a plethora of new features but at the same time supports the old file format from Royal TS V1.x. We made sure that you can migrate to our new V2 version seamlessly and without any issues.
